Posts Tagged ‘irrigation’

Lime Yard, by Turf Touch

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Winter’s a good time of year to lime yard, even though lime can be applied any time of year.

Lime will add cal­cium and mag­ne­sium, and it will neu­tral­ize acid, which is caused by tree, shrubs, fer­til­iz­ers, soil types and other issues.

Lime will cre­ate a healthy root base.

Lime must be applied heav­ily, one or two bags will not do, apply ten to fif­teen bags(40–50# bags) on an aver­age 10,000 sq. ft. lawn.

One Caveat: DO NOT apply lime to CENTIPEDE lawns.

Turf Touch will be glad to do this ser­vice for you, if you so desire.

Until we meet, keep your lawn green.

Turf Touch

Fungicide Treatments

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

The summer’s nice and long awaited, yet the high humid­ity brings with it many things; bugs, fun­gus and other annoy­ing things.

Brown patch fun­gus will start around late April to early May, and one must spray fungi­cide in order to con­trol fun­gus. The ear­lier, the bet­ter; for the treat­ments will usu­ally arrest the fun­gus, not erad­i­cate it.

Fun­gus sea­son in the South will per­sist until around mid-August, when the humid­ity tapers.

Other tips, keep mower blade sharp, bag or mulch all clip­pings and water in morn­ings dur­ing sum­mer months.

Please, if we can assist you with any ser­vices, ring our phone at your convenience.

Turf Touch