Posts Tagged ‘kill brown patch fungus in greenville spartanburg anderson greer simpsonville sc’

Get Rid Of Brown Patch Fungus”

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Brown patch fun­gus is a fun­gus that attacks lawns, pri­mar­ily fes­cue lawns, though not lim­ited to fes­cue lawns.

When the tem­per­a­ture increases, and when the humid­ity increases(to a sticky feel), brown patch rears its ugly head by cre­at­ing brown cir­cu­lar areas in your lawn. And often right in the cen­ter of the cir­cle, you will notice a small area of green foliage. What I call the donut effect.

Fun­gus sea­son in the south is usu­ally from the first of May to mid-August.

The most effec­tive way to treat is to spray a fungi­cide before you see the fun­gus, for once you’ve applied the fungi­cide, it “arrests” and keeps it from metastasizing(an once of pre­ven­tion is worth a pound of cure).

When you begin to treat, you need treat brown patch three to four times dur­ing fun­gus sea­son for best results.

Turf Touch will be happy to help with your fun­gus needs and all of your lawn care, land­scap­ing, and irri­ga­tion needs.

Until we meet, stay green–and happy!

Turf Touch