Archive for the ‘Turf/Lawn Tips’ Category

Lawn Care & Irrigation in Greenville SC

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Where did the autumn go? For me, it quickly slipped into obliv­ion, and soon St. Nick may visit, if 

you’ve been nice, huh?

Now that the golden hue of foliage has been shred­ded, sucked up, and sent to the mulch pile; your

lawn looks great perhaps(if you’ve hired Turf Touch), save a BIG pile of sun-bleached mulch.

Hence, this is a great time of year to re-fresh your mulch; whether it be black mulch, brown mulch, or red mulch.

Turf Touch will be happy to assist with all of your mulch needs. Sim­ply, pick up the phone and dial: 864.325.9939.

For all your irri­ga­tion and lawn-care needs.

Turf Touch





Friday, September 30th, 2011

Here’s your QR Code for Turf Touch. Try it and give your feed­back.

Save our data in your cell phone under; per­haps, lawn care, irri­ga­tion, new water mains, fer­til­iza­tion, green grass, or sim­ply, TURF TOUCH.




Seeding and Aeration in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson; SC

Monday, September 26th, 2011

The fall, a relief from the tor­rid temps, and with col­lege foot­ball in full swing(namely, Clem­son and South Car­olina foot­ball), your lawn may be the last thing on you busy mind. How­ever, the fall’s the best time of year to have your lawn seeded and aer­ated. Take action today while the temps are right!

Turf Touch posses over twenty years of expe­ri­ence with lawn treat­ments, seed­ing, irri­ga­tion, sod, mulch, land­scap­ing, etc. So please, just jin­gle our phone, and leave the rest to Turf Touch.

And unless you have lived in a cave the past sev­eral years, we offer the best ser­vices when it comes to “irri­ga­tion instal­la­tion.” …both repairs and new installs.

Your headaches are our business.

Turf Touch




Irrigation Systems Installed In Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, SC

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

The summer’s, like all south­ern sum­mers, torrid.

Every Win­ter peo­ple pine for for the sum­mer heat, yet once it’s here the feel gets, sticky, humid, and dry.

Your parched lawn bespeaks the rest of the story.

Have you ever con­sid­ered a sprin­kler sys­tem? It will alle­vi­ate many of your water­ing prob­lems, and it will save you copi­ous amounts of time. Time is money.

Turf Touch has installed many irri­ga­tion sys­tems from Greenville, Simp­sonville, Tay­lors to Flo­rence, SC.

Now is a great time for a new install, so that your lawn can recover just in time for your fall seed­ing; and yes, we also seed and aer­ate many lawns too.

So, for your irri­ga­tion and lawn lawn-care needs, trust the com­pany with the expe­ri­ence to install your irri­ga­tion and get your lawn green and pleas­ing to the eye.

Turf Touch

Get Rid Of Brown Patch Fungus”

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Brown patch fun­gus is a fun­gus that attacks lawns, pri­mar­ily fes­cue lawns, though not lim­ited to fes­cue lawns.

When the tem­per­a­ture increases, and when the humid­ity increases(to a sticky feel), brown patch rears its ugly head by cre­at­ing brown cir­cu­lar areas in your lawn. And often right in the cen­ter of the cir­cle, you will notice a small area of green foliage. What I call the donut effect.

Fun­gus sea­son in the south is usu­ally from the first of May to mid-August.

The most effec­tive way to treat is to spray a fungi­cide before you see the fun­gus, for once you’ve applied the fungi­cide, it “arrests” and keeps it from metastasizing(an once of pre­ven­tion is worth a pound of cure).

When you begin to treat, you need treat brown patch three to four times dur­ing fun­gus sea­son for best results.

Turf Touch will be happy to help with your fun­gus needs and all of your lawn care, land­scap­ing, and irri­ga­tion needs.

Until we meet, stay green–and happy!

Turf Touch

Lawn Care In Greenville, SC–Seeding/Aeration

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

The Spring is upon us, and if you’d like to seed, and you did not seed in the Fall, now’s a good time to get started.

You need to seed before it gets too warm, so the seed has time to ger­mi­nate and mature before the hot weather arrives, for the hot weather will kill the new seedlings if they have not matured.

And yes, aer­a­tion is sug­gested at the time of seed­ing. It will loosen the soil and allow it to breathe, aerate(air).

Please allow Turf Touch to assist with your seed­ing and aer­a­tion needs in Greenville, SC and sur­round­ing areas.

Until we meet, keep your lawn green.

Turf Touch


Lime Yard, by Turf Touch

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Winter’s a good time of year to lime yard, even though lime can be applied any time of year.

Lime will add cal­cium and mag­ne­sium, and it will neu­tral­ize acid, which is caused by tree, shrubs, fer­til­iz­ers, soil types and other issues.

Lime will cre­ate a healthy root base.

Lime must be applied heav­ily, one or two bags will not do, apply ten to fif­teen bags(40–50# bags) on an aver­age 10,000 sq. ft. lawn.

One Caveat: DO NOT apply lime to CENTIPEDE lawns.

Turf Touch will be glad to do this ser­vice for you, if you so desire.

Until we meet, keep your lawn green.

Turf Touch

Deep Root Tree & Shrub Fertilization

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

Greet­ings once again to our read­ers, fol­low­ers and seri­ous lawn-care friends, today we desire that you know it’s a good time to deep root inject your trees and shrubs.

What is deep root fer­til­iza­tion? It’s when each plant is injected indi­vid­u­ally with a tool which resem­bles a large hypo­der­mic nee­dle; hence, the fertilizer(liquid) will sat­u­rate the ground around the root system.

Though the deep root fer­til­iza­tion may not take an imme­di­ate effect, over the processes of the year, it will slowly help the plants.

Once the weather gets colder, it’s a good time for this appli­ca­tion, and it’s healthy to do this once if not twice a year, just around October/November and again around January/February.

…wish­ing you a green, happy year.

Stay in touch!

Turf Touch

Time To Seed And Aerate Fescue Lawns

Friday, August 27th, 2010

A friendly reminder that it’s time to seed and aer­ate fes­cue lawns.

Please call Turf Touch to sched­ule your seed­ing job.

Turf Touch

Fungicide Treatments

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

The summer’s nice and long awaited, yet the high humid­ity brings with it many things; bugs, fun­gus and other annoy­ing things.

Brown patch fun­gus will start around late April to early May, and one must spray fungi­cide in order to con­trol fun­gus. The ear­lier, the bet­ter; for the treat­ments will usu­ally arrest the fun­gus, not erad­i­cate it.

Fun­gus sea­son in the South will per­sist until around mid-August, when the humid­ity tapers.

Other tips, keep mower blade sharp, bag or mulch all clip­pings and water in morn­ings dur­ing sum­mer months.

Please, if we can assist you with any ser­vices, ring our phone at your convenience.

Turf Touch